MEDICARE COUNSELING through VPAS at Elkton Area United Services
Medicare Counseling is provided through the Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program
(VICAP) at VPAS and other hosted locations. VICAP is part of a nationwide network of health insurance
assistance programs. Trained and certified counselors assist older adults, persons with disabilities, and
their caregivers to understand and compare Medicare and other health insurance benefits.
VICAP counselors are not associated with any insurance company and do not sell insurance products.
Counseling is unbiased, confidential, and free and is offered by appointment. A VPAS/EAUS volunteer
counselor is available for a few hours most Wednesdays at the EAUS Office at 15386 Old Spotswood Trail by appointment only. A Face-to-face meeting may be scheduled by contacting the Harrisonburg VPAS office at (540) 615-5341. Learn more about Medicare Counseling at Medicare Counseling | Valley Program for Aging Services (